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Approaching Alpha 9.7
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Our newest explorer is lyricoholic
Posts: 23
Joined: 1st Apr, 2015 9:15pm
Approaching Alpha 9.7
Let me just quickly sum up where we are currently. We hit some difficulties by moving to the new host, and at this very moment I think that all problems are gone and every game service is working normally. Uploading morgues didn't worked for some time, but last chunk of code is fixed and service is working as expected.
Alpha 9.7 ASCII version is just around the corner. Bringing a whole lot of new stuff, modifications and bug fixes. Alpha 9.7 milestone is closed and we are currently in bug hunting phase which involves a lot of playtesting, bug-fixing and even adding QOL improvements if there is need for it. Soon I will post more news on a current status.
Alpha 9.7 HD is also coming nicely, and our current plan is to release it under EA when we reach Alpha 10.
Here are some screenshots of latest version:
